Tuesday, April 26, 2011

and here we go!

First of all, let me share that this weekend....YAY!!!....is the Spring time Remnants of the Past show in Nipomo!  We have been so excited about this upcoming show...it is my very favourite among many favs...Judy Watkins organizes this show twice a year, and the dealers who come and share their treasures are my favourite dealers as well...I have often bought from almost every single one at one time or another!  If you can...take a moment to follow Judy's blog over the last few weeks and you will see what I mean!   Oh SO MANY wonderful things...I am almost hyperventilating as I write, and I know I have been up the last few nights...both thinking about my space there...(I am inside the barn just as you come in....) and also thinking about how I can make enough time to get around and see everyone before the show is over...it just gets so busy and goes by SO fast!   Be sure, if you are coming up, to get there early!  Judy has added some new dealers so there is even more to see, enjoy and take home for your very own!  I want to share one of my favourite things from last show that I brought home....that wonderful linen settee!  Sigh...Doesn"t this space look inviting?  these things are from my friends Sidney and Sandy...and they are right next to me in the barn...

And I am adding this to white wednesdays....
I also wanted to mention that the last few weeks have been a bit of a journey for me (not my normal crazy busy self getting ready for Remnants...instead I have been visiting doctor's offices and small surgeries and all, just for a little something noticed while having my eyes checked for new glasses...and I have a grateful heart for the hands, eyes and efforts of all those involved in this little process (especially my good husband, in whom I am truly blessed), and a thankful heart to God for having His hand in this whole thing...timing, results, people, care, and more...
all this to say...Do NOT let "little things" go...thinking, I will take care of this later, when I have more time (and when does that ever happen?)  be "care-ful" of others and yourself...be proactive...and along with these things, DO things to help take care of yourselves...excercise, REST (oh yes! this is important!) RE CREATE...all the best to you all,

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