Thursday, October 7, 2010

with a thankful heart...

what a wonderful weekend!  what a whirlwind of a weekend!   And how gracious and kind you all are! 
This last Saturday was the show at Nipomo, Remnants of the Past...and what with everything going on it just seems like it came and went lightning fast...
My sweet husband helped me take all my big pieces up on Thursday afternoon, and then we drove down to Los Angeles with our son to take him to the airport (and that of course is another story...and for your kind words for this momma's heart, I thank you so much)...and then back up to Nipomo to complete the setup for Saturday with my sweet friend and partner for this show, Betsy...then back home, and back again Saturday morning...I felt like I was meeting myself going and coming, going and coming....until Saturday and 9 am and then it was MAGIC!  
The line of people waiting to come in started a good hour before the show started...and it never stopped!  the energy...the excitement, the fun!!! It NEVER STOPPED!

You will notice that there are very few photos here of the day...that is because I never got time enough to leave my space...this is one of my favourite shows to shop, and THAT never happened!   This is one of the best places to see some of the most phenomenally talented women in this business, and I barely got enough time to say more than hi! WOW!  your space looks AMAZING!...and then run back to my space....
For me, though, each one of you that came by to see me...that shared your stories...and for each of you who share your thoughts here on my blog...I treasure is the best part of this whole thing...So I must tell you all, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  You are, each and every one, a true blessing!
until next time,  my thankful heart to yours...kate

1 comment:

  1. Hi K!
    so great to see you today and so sad to have missed this event! Maybe next year. Love what your doing and wish you a very,very, blessed season of selling your beautiful treasures!
    love julia
